Sunday, October 28, 2012

Trick or Treat with the Saints.....

Halloween was in the air for our Kindergartners and boy were they in for a special treat.  Today was an opportunity to have fun by going trick or treating, dressing up like their favorite character.  As with anything there is always something to learn.  Today they weren't going to their neighbors house, but to the gym where they will get a treat from a saint.

The 8th grader's are well under way for their preparation for Confirmation.  Part of this preparation is picking a saint name, one that relates to them.  Remember the saints were ordinary people that did extraordinary things. They lived the faith and our 8th grader's did that today.  Just like the saints they were ordinary people, but what they did today was extraordinary because they taught the faith to others.

They shared a little bit about their saint and what they did.  Since teachers typically are known for apples, that is exactly what St. Elizabeth Ann Seton gave out to her trick or treaters along with some homework.

The remaining saints continued to share their story and passed out some candy to the trick or treators.  The children knew where to go by the lighted jack o'lanterns.


The children heard the story of about fourteen saints, from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton all the way to St. Joan of Arc.

Click on the following link to hear more about The tale of Jack O'Lantern

Don't forget that November 1st is a holy day of obligation - All Saints Day.  
Mass times are 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM or 7 PM

November Certification/Maintenance/Adult Faith Formation Courses

Church: Vision, Mission, Ministry (Our Holy Mother Church)
The Department of Catechesis and Formation of the Diocese of Covington is hosting the course “Church: Vision, Mission, Ministry (Our Holy Mother Church)”, with Rev. Ryan Maher, on November 3rd and 10th from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at All Saints Church.  Learn more about the major features of the Catholic understanding of the Church during what has been declared by the Holy Father as a Year of Faith. The course is one of the requirements for religion teacher certification, but is open to all interested adults. The cost for the entire course is only $25. To register, visit to download a course registration form, email, or call 859-392-1533.

The Department of Catechesis and Formation of the Diocese of Covington is hosting the course “Ecumenism (The Many Faces of the Church)”, with Rev. Ronald Ketteler, on November 8th, 15th, and 29th from 6:00 to 9:45 p.m. in Room 317 of the Thomas More College Library. During this Year of Faith, learn more about ecumenism within the context of the previous Ecumenical Councils of the Church including Vatican II.  This course is open to all interested adults and qualifies as maintenance for certified religion teachers. The cost for the entire course is only $25. To register, visit to download a course registration form, email, or call 859-392-1533.

Prayer Workshop
The Department of Catechesis and Formation of the Diocese of Covington is hosting the course “Prayer Workshop”, with Rosanne Thomas, on November 6th, 13th, and 20th from 6:00 to 9:45 p.m. at Blessed Sacrament Church. Learn more about making your life a prayer by finding ways to explore the sacred in the ordinary during this Year of Faith. This course is open to all interested adults and qualifies as maintenance for certified religion teachers. The cost for the entire course is only $25. To register, visit to download a course registration form, email, or call 859-392-1533.

Parents and Teachers in the School of Grace and Virtue
The Department of Catechesis and Formation of the Diocese of Covington is hosting the course “Parents and Teachers in the School of Grace and Virtue” on November 17 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at St. Patrick Church in Taylor Mill. Join Fr. Jeff VonLehmen for a supportive and practical, hands-on course to aide parents in these times when the family is in crises with everything from internet challenges, bullying, addictions, anger, envy, hostility, and doing what everyone else is doing, to secularism, relativism, and the forces of the culture of death. While affirming the vocation of parenthood as a key to changing society and essential to the Church, the course offers parents tools to build up their children with the “spiritual muscles” necessary to cooperate with grace so as to grow as children of the light and to handle and overcome the wound in the human family, temptations, and/or trials of the world which pull them away from God, the Church and from their own true vocations.  Based on Father Edward Flanagan’s Boy’s Town Model for raising children to be responsible, productive, virtuous adults, the course will affirm parents as the primary educators of their children and give parents and teachers alike some spiritual skills to help children, adolescents and teens mature in Christ, in virtue, better behavior, better choices and good character. The course is open to all interested adults and qualifies as maintenance for certified religion teachers. The cost for the course is only $25. Enrollment is limited to sixteen persons. To register, visit and download a course registration form, email, or call 859-392-1533.
Liturgy and Rites
The Department of Catechesis and Formation of the Diocese of Covington is hosting the course “Liturgy and Rites”, with Rev. Daniel Schomaker, on November 29th and December 6th from 6:00-9:45 p.m. and December 15th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at St. Agnes Church. During this Year of Faith, learn more about the liturgy of Holy Mother Church by studying the foundational principles and historical developments in her liturgical tradition.  The course is one of the requirements for religion teacher certification, but is open to all interested adults. The cost for the entire course is only $25. To register, visit to download a course registration form, email, or call 859-392-1533.

Friday, October 26, 2012

November Schedule

November 4                Class
November 11              Class
November 18              Class 
                                      Closing of 40 Hours (3rd and 8th grade)  4PM CHURCH
                                      Everyone is encouraged to attend
November 25              No Class – Thanksgiving Break

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Did you see our flying World Mission Rosary?

This Sunday we used the Columban Father's Mission Education program for elementary and middle school students, titled Journey With Jesus, which is an exciting, informative DVD series with related curriculum that will teach your students about Catholic mission today and the call to mission all baptized people share.

Journey With Jesus teaches your students about different cultures, the importance of peace-building, care for the environment, respect for other faiths and understanding and respecting all of God’s people.

Since the month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary we took advantage of lifting our prayers to the mission.  If you were looking out your window, like Fr. Gerry you may have seen our Rosary being lifted up to God. That's right, a flying rosary.

Fr. Gerry shared this idea, and it was amazing seeing it in action.  We prayed the rosary in the library, a rosary which was made out of balloons.  Then after we completed the rosary we took the rosary outstide so we can let our prayers fly to heaven.

Each decade of the World Mission Rosary calls to mind an area
where the Church continues her evangelizing mission:

WHITE – Symbolizing EUROPE, the seat of the Holy Father, shepherd of the world

YELLOW – The morning light of the east, for ASIA

BLUE – For the ocean surrounding the ISLANDS OF THE PACIFIC

GREEN – For the forests and grasslands of AFRICA

RED – Calling to mind the fire of faith that brought missionaries to the AMERICAS