8th Grade- Kari Fischer

August 16, 2015

Grade 8 Blest Are We Faith & Word Edition Parish helps students learn, love and live their   faith. Engaging Special Features help build Catholic identity.   Student Books include five units, each with four chapters. 

Chapters are structured around the four pillars of the Catechism: Catholic faith, worship, life, and prayer. Each begins with a Take-Home page to involve parents in helping their children prepare for the chapter. Lessons follow a three-step learning process inviting the children to Share, to Hear and Believe, and to Respond. Each chapter includes Scripture and church teaching including statements of faith and Faith Words. Children respond through written work, activities and prayer. Chapters conclude with review exercises. Faith in Action pages highlight parish ministries and vocations. A write-in glossary and a mini-catechism are included at the back of each book.

Visit http://www.blestarewe.com/ for additional information and resources. 


DATE:    October 2012
TO:         Eighth Grade Parents
FROM:  Mr. Steven Fischer, Mrs. Melissa Holzmacher, Mrs. Peggy Eilerman, Mrs. Susan Stewart

RE:          Confirmation Meeting, October 18, 2012

At this time in their lives your son/daughter is being offered the opportunity to choose to participate in the sacrament of Confirmation and its preparation. God’s love and Holy Spirit are always freely given, but need to be freely accepted by us. The choice is ours to let God into our lives. So, too, our young people need to want this opportunity that the Church offers them.

Therefore, on Thursday, October 18, 2012, an important meeting for you, your child, and his/her sponsor will be held in Church at 7:30 pm to examine and explain the various aspects of Confirmation, which completes and initiates one into fuller membership in the Catholic Church.
Sponsors for Confirmation must be at least sixteen years old and be confirmed in the Catholic faith. The Sponsor need not be a member of the same sex as the person to be confirmed. A Baptismal Godparent is the most appropriate and logical choice for a Sponsor for Confirmation, as this sacrament completes and “confirms” the promises made at Baptism. (Parents may not be sponsors.)

A new Confirmation name may or may not be chosen. The Baptismal name would be most suitable, again since Confirmation completes Baptism. However, if a student is interested in a particular saint, a new name may be chosen for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

The Enrollment Ceremony will take place at the 9:30 am Mass on Sunday, October 21st. All those requesting the sacrament of Confirmation will be seated in the front of Church. After the homily they will be asked to make their commitment to prepare well for the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation. They will be presented as Candidates for Confirmation. Parents and sponsors are invited and encouraged to attend.

Bishop Foys will come to St. Joseph Church to confirm our young people on Wednesday, February 6, 2013, at 7:00 pm.  Tuesday, February 5, 2013 we will have a rehearsal in the church at 7:00 pm for all candidates and their sponsors.
A retreat will be held at St. Joseph Heights in Park Hills on the day of Confirmation from 8:30 – 1:30 pm. More information will come on this later.

Thank you for your acceptance of and participation in this preparation of your child for this sacrament. Your on-going guidance of your child in his/her faith formation is most important.

Attention all Confirmation Parents

There will be a short parent meeting on Sunday Sept. 9th at 9:35 in the Library, to discuss our curriculum for this year.


Forty Hour Devotion
Sunday, November 13th

All PSR families are most welcome and encouraged to attend! As 3rd and 8th grade parents, your children will have a special role in the Solemn Closing of these devotions: Sunday, November 13. As 3rd grader's, and those who made their First Holy Communion last year, your children are invited and expected to have an honored place in the procession at the Closing, which will be going outdoors: a public witness to our faith in the Lord's Eucharistic presence (weather permitting!) They are encouraged to wear their First Communion attire from last year if that is possible. As 8th graders, and those preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, your children are likewise invited and expected to have an honored place in the procession. We ask 3rd and 8th graders to meet in Kelley Hall at 3:30 PM.

Please RSVP by emailing stjoepsr@hotmail.com so we may have a head count.  Thank you!

An Enrollment Ceremony will take place at the 
9:30 am Mass on Sunday, October 30th

All those requesting the sacrament of Confirmation will be seated in the front of Church. After the homily they will be asked to make their commitment to prepare well for the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation. They will be presented as Candidates for Confirmation. Parents and sponsors are invited and encouraged to attend.

October 23, 2011

Dear Parents/Guardians,

October 23, 2011
"Catholics want Christ's mercy to reach through his Church to the farthest corners of the world. The Church still responds as Isaiah did in another time; 'Then heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? Who  will go for us?" 'Here I am,' I said, 'send me!'" (Is. 6:8)

These words of the U.S. Catholic Bishops in Teaching the Spirit of Mission As Gentes: Continuing Pentecost Today remind us that God continues to call us to proclaim the Good News and build the kingdom on earth.

In response to God's call and the Bishops' challenge, we have introduced a new Mission Education Program, Journey With Jesus, into our religious education classes.  Through this program we hope to:
  • Give children a deeper understanding of their baptismal call to mission 
  • Develop global awareness and a sense of the interconnectedness of all creation
  • Encourage them to reflect and become active participants in creating God's kingdom on earth.
We invite you to walk with your child and together find new ways to spread God's message of peace and justice for all.


Culture: Gift and Blessing

  • To examine the meaning of culture and the role it plays in daily life
  • To learn about missionaries working in different cultures
It is a privilege to share with you the Christian education of your child.

Kari Fischer
8th Grade Catechist's for PSR

DATE:    October 2011
TO:         Parents of Confirmation Candidates
FROM:  Mr. Steven Fischer, Mrs. Melissa Holzmacher, Mrs. Peggy Eilerman, Mrs. Kari Fischer

RE:          Confirmation Meeting, October 18, 2011

At this time in their lives your son/daughter is being offered the opportunity to choose to participate in the sacrament of Confirmation and its preparation. God’s love and Holy Spirit are always freely given, but need to be freely accepted by us. The choice is ours to let God into our lives. So, too, our young people need to want this opportunity that the Church offers them.

Therefore, on Tuesday, October 18, 2011, an important meeting for you, your child, and his/her sponsor will be held in Church at 7:00 pm to examine and explain the various aspects of Confirmation, which completes and initiates one into fuller membership in the Catholic Church. 
Sponsors for Confirmation must be at least sixteen years old and be confirmed in the Catholic faith. The Sponsor need not be a member of the same sex as the person to be confirmed. A Baptismal Godparent is the most appropriate and logical choice for a Sponsor for Confirmation, as this sacrament completes and “confirms” the promises made at Baptism. (Parents may not be sponsors.)
For obvious reasons a Confirmation sponsor must set an example as one who actively practices the Catholic faith.  For example, if single, must not be in a co-habiting relationship; if married, must be married according to the rites of the Catholic Church.  Sponsors must attend Sunday Mass regularly. 
A new Confirmation name may or may not be chosen. The Baptismal name would be most suitable, again since Confirmation completes Baptism. However, if a student is interested in a particular saint, a new name may be chosen for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

An Enrollment Ceremony will take place at the 
9:30 am Mass on Sunday, October 30th

All those requesting the sacrament of Confirmation will be seated in the front of Church. After the homily they will be asked to make their commitment to prepare well for the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation. They will be presented as Candidates for Confirmation. Parents and sponsors are invited and encouraged to attend.
Bishop Foys will come to St. Joseph Church to confirm our young people on Thursday, February 9, 2012, at 7:00 pm.  Wednesday, February 8, 2012 we will have a rehearsal in the church at 7:00 pm for all candidates and their sponsors. 

A retreat will be held at St. Joseph Heights in Park Hills on the day of Confirmation from 8:30 – 1:30 pm. More information will come on this later. 

Thank you for your acceptance of and participation in this preparation of your child for this sacrament. Your on-going guidance of your child in his/her faith formation is most important. 

September 24, 2011
A journey toward leadership, justice and empowerment!
Your teen has spent the day learning about issues that low income and homeless individuals face on a daily basis.  There was a worksheet that went home to discuss some information with your child/family.
  1. Your teen participated in an extreme life makeover for a homeless family (either Jane or John). Learn about the family and what it was like for your child to walk in their shoes.
  2. What are three things that your child noticed while walking around in downtown Covington that are different from wht way things are in your neighborhood?
  3. If you are hungry and have no money, where can you go to have lunch in Covington?
  4. If you are a mother, where can you and your children stay if you have nowhere to live?
  5. As a family, what can you do to help those in need?  Why is it important to help?
  6. The theme for Insights is Micah 6:8: "You have been told what is good and what the Lord requires of you: Only to do JUSTICE, love KINDNESS, and WALK HUMBLY with your God."  What does this mean to you?
These are just a few questions on this worksheet just to get a discussion going. 

Be Concerned was one of the agencies that we visited. Fr. Gerry was able to join us for part of the retreat and he shared his experience volunteering for the Christmas Shop with Be Concerned.  The money that we are collecting for our CHANGE WAR will be donated to this agency. 

The 7th and 8th grader's were divided into small groups and they worked together to come up with their extreme life makeover for a homeless family.

It's amazing how one of the highlights became Mother of God!  We ended the retreat with a prayer service and the students where just amazed with the beauty of the church.
The fee that was collected is a contribution that will be shared among the participating agencies so Thank You to those that contributed and brought their child to their retreat.  I am sure it was an eye opener and it brought things to perspective knowing that it could happen to anyone. This was arranged through Catholic Charities, take a look at their website below to learn more about what they do for the community.


September 14, 2011

Information will be sent to your homes this Sunday about the upcoming Insights Retreat.  The school has done this for years during the week; however with PSR we do not want to ask the children to miss yet another class since they will have their Confirmation Retreat as well. 

Based on the class size we will be doing this every other year and combine 7th and 8th Grade.

This will be on Saturday, September 24th from 9-2AM.  We will not be having class for grades 7th and 8th grade on Sunday the 25th.  All other grades will have class as scheduled.  This is a great opportunity to see how we serve the local area.

There is a cost of $20 and if this causes a financial burden please let me know.  DO NOT LET COST be a factor in not attending this retreat.  We are looking for 100% PARTICIPATION so please MARK YOUR CALENDARS!