Friday, May 15, 2015



PSR MASS - please arrive at 9:15am in Church, seats will be reserved in front on Joseph's side and children will sit with their class. We will have our PSR CLOSING following the 9:30 am Mass in Memorial Hall.

Please bring food to share such as cookies, fruit, etc....

Monday, May 4, 2015

Change in PSR Schedule - NO CLASS on Mother's Day, May 10th!

Blessing Prayer for Mother’s Day
God of Love,
listen to this prayer.
God of Holy People,
of Sarah, Ruth, and Rebekah;
God of holy Elizabeth, mother of John,
of Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus,
bend down Your ear to this request
and bless the mother of our family.
Bless her with the strength of Your spirit,
she who has taught her children how to stand and walk.
Bless her with the melody of Your love,
she who has shared how to speak, how to sing
and how to pray to You.
Bless her with a place at Your eternal dinner table,
she who has fed and nurtured
the life that was formed within her
while still helpless but embraced in her love.
Bless her today, now, in this lifetime,
with good things, with health.
Bless her with joy, love, laughter,
and pride in her child/children
and surround her with many good friends.
May she who carried life in her womb
be carried one day to Your divine embrace:
there, for all eternity, to rejoice with her family and friends.
This blessing and all grace, we pray,
descend upon the mother of our family:
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayers for the Domestic Church/A handbook for worship in the home by Edward