Monday, February 27, 2012

Family needed for SEDER MEAL 4-5-12‏

An email was sent back on 2-20-12!

We are still in need of a PSR 2nd grade family for the seder meal. We alternate between the school and PSR; this year it is PSR's turn. The seder meal and the Mass take place on Holy Thursday, April 5. The seder is at 6:00 and the Mass begins at 7:30. There is a short ceremony which is the actual seder meal that you will participate in and then afterwards there is a dinner before mass.

The seder meal family should be the family of a 2nd grader who is preparing for first communion. We need a family with at least two children who are able to read / participate in the seder ceremony (in other words, the 2nd grader should have at least one older sibling who can read a part from the script).

I need to provide Vickie Klocke with the names of the 2nd grade students, the parents’ names and a phone number that she may use to contact you about any details when we get closer to Holy Week.

Please let me know if you are interested so I can pass this on. Thank you for all that you to be part of our Parish Community and for raising your children in the Catholic faith.