Sunday, August 26, 2012

New Parent Orientation

Thank you to all that parents that joined us at our very first New Parent Orientation.  During this time we went over the program, the parent handbook, websites, and took a tour of the campus.  We visited some of the classrooms and the convent.  This is a very exciting year for us with the start of a kindergarten program and also a very active eighth grade.

There is something always going on and we couldn't do this without the support of the parish and of course our parents.  The home is the "first church", and we are so grateful for the sacrifices you make to allow your children to be part of our program.  If you have any suggestions or comments please let me know, because we are always looking at ways we can enhance our program.

PS. Remember to add your email address on the main page so that anytime there is an update on the blog you will receive it.  Just another way for you to keep informed on what is going on with our Parish School of Religion.

Steven M Fischer