Dear First
Communion Parents,
This is a very
special week in your child’s life. The
time is close for receiving Jesus for the first time. Practice will be on this Thursday evening. On Friday we have prepared a special
“retreat” so we can focus on the meaning of the Eucharist.
On Thursday,
May 9th, there
will be practice at 7:00 p.m. for all.
Please sit in the assigned seat according to the attached seating
chart. Each household needs to have one
parent from each set at the practice.
The students will then be called to the back of Church to process
in. Everyone will remain seated as the
children process to their seats. Then
the teachers will direct the practice.
Friday, May 10th
is Retreat Day. Students come to their classrooms as usual.
Students may come out of uniform. PSR
students are to be in Kelley Hall by 8:20 a.m. PSR dismissal will be at 3:00
p.m. (Parents please come to Kelley Hall.)
Regular school dismissal will be at 3:10. PSR children need $2.00 for lunch and 40
cents for a drink if lunch is packed.
On Saturday,
May 11th, the
students are asked to be in Kelley Hall or their classrooms 30 minutes before
the 11:00 Mass. Students who have a
reading part should get the part from the teacher and take it to Mass. (Please practice at home to read slowly and
clearly.) Also, any jackets, etc. should be taken to Church by the parents.
There is no
limited seating for family members, but, Church will be crowded! Siblings will need to sit behind First
Communicants with other relatives.
Regarding video taping and photos: NO VIDEO CAMERAS OR FLASHES ARE ALLOWED. This
is to avoid distraction for the children.
We also ask that no pictures be taken during the ceremony. There will be an opportunity to take pictures
at the end of Mass once the official photographer has finished with the class
We will explain
everything on Thursday evening. There
will be programs to follow for the Mass on Saturday.
We are looking
forward to this special occasion! Thank
you for your cooperation!