Thursday, July 28, 2016


The theme for this upcoming school year is 'Love one another as I have loved you.'  As I reflect upon one of the scripture verses that these words come from John 13:34-35, it reflects the love that those who are called to teach reflect.  “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

We are so blessed to have catechists that volunteer their time to partner with the parents of our parish in the faith formation of their children.  They not only teach the faith, but live it through their everyday lives.  They are a reflection of God's love to pass on the faith as they do it in his name.  Not to receive recognition, but just doing what they have been called to do.  It is through their call, and the Holy Spirit that they will connect with the youth and bring them to the faith that we revere and love so much.

Returning for the upcoming school year we have Ceil Gubser (1st), Linda Goetz (2nd), Kathy Burkhardt (3rd), Greg Franzen (4th), Beth Lauer (5th) and Kari Fischer(8th) and our secretary Tara Goetz.

You may recognize our new Kindergarten catechist if you have attended any Drama shows, no it's not our current catechist Beth Lauer or Kari Fischer, but Nancy Caudill. Not only do these ladies volunteer their time for the show typically from October until February but they will also be offering their talent here in our program. 

Carol Enzweiler felt the nudge to answer the call for our 6th grade catechist position. I was so excited when she reached out to fill our last position that was still open.  She has been friends with my mother and involved in Christ Renews His Parish, offering her time and talent to the parish where she can. 

And finally Cyndy Brock is returning and instead of co-teaching with Beth she will be teaching the 7th grade. 17 years ago I became involved in the program as a teacher's aide, then taught the 5th grade for three years. Cyndy was the one who asked if I would be interested in the CRE position and here I am in this role for the past 13 years with three children in the program.  I am so appreciative of the parents that love their faith so much, that even though their children don't go to a private school, they ensure that they attend our program for their faith formation. 

Did I say 17 years?  Yes and don't think that you have to commit this long when you answer the call. How long you serve is between you and your calling.  However; I couldn't imagine my Sundays any other way.  Thank you again for your prayers and I ask that you continue to pray for our Catechists and PSR families during this school year.