Tuesday, June 5, 2018


"God doesn't call the qualified...God qualifies the called."


The question isn’t “Are you being called?”

You are.

The question is To what are you being called?”

Because you are being called to something.

And, just maybe, this August, you’re being called to make sure the flame of faith that shines in you is passed on to the next generation. 

Around this time of year, in parishes around the country, Parish Leaders and catechists are making their annual plea for volunteers to teach in religious education programs. The larger the parish, the more likely they are to be short-handed.

Your children–and all the children of our parish–deserve a solid, authentic education in the truths of the faith. Our mission is to inspire students to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to be and to do their best, to be lifelong learners and to live their Catholic faith.

And you know what? You–the person who cares enough to read this far –may be the person to do that. You don’t need to be comfortable speaking in public (few people are) or a tiny Aquinas. You just need to a) learn all you can about your faith, b) accept it, and c) teach it faithfully.

See, that call that goes out each year for a gray mass of general “volunteers” is all wrong. It says, “We need anyone with a pulse.”

No. We need you. You specifically. Your talent, your fidelity, your skills.

Many programs will begin soon. Quiet your mind, think, breathe, pray, and listen to the Spirit working you. He may just be calling you to catechetical ministry.


Currently we are in need of catechist for  6th and 7th grade, along with substitute teachers or aides. All of which must be Virtus trained. Our Parish School of Religion (PSR) is a program designed for the children of our parish who attend schools without a formal religious catholic education as part of their curriculum. We follow the Campbell County school schedule and meet every Sunday from 9:30 – 11am.

If you are willing to give this kind of stewardship of time and talent, but want to know more about what is involved, please contact Steven Fischer at 859-240-8207 or email to SFischer@StJoeParish.net

Our upcoming schedule is as follows:


August 12                    OPEN HOUSE/Registration (9:30 – 11am/LIBRARY)

August 19                    First Day of Class, PSR FAMILY MASS 11:30 AM

August 26                    Class (New Parent Orientation – Library)

September 2               No Class – Labor Day

September 9               Class