Monday, August 29, 2011

Volunteers for Ministries

In our newsletters it was mentioned to go online and register to be a


This is correct however please make sure that you reach out to

Fr. Gerry

441-1604 ext 2275


Fr. Josh

441-1604 ext 2277

if you feel called to serve the parish in this capacity.

They will have the most up to date information and

will be able to answer any questions you may have or

direct you to those that are the Point of Contacts for these ministries.

Thank your for all that you do to support not only our PSR program,

but also your stewardship towards the Parish.

Most importantly the faith that you have and share with your family on a daily basis!

Monday, August 22, 2011


August 28th.....................Class
September 4th..........NO CLASS - LABOR DAY
September 11th...............Class
September 18th...............Class
September 25th...............Class

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Open House/Registration

Well the Open House/Registration was a success! It was good to see all the returning families and those that our joining us for the first time. Please shoot me an email at with any comments that you may have. If you didn't get a chance to stop by it is not too late to register. Classes start next Sunday, August 21st at 9:30Am. Remember that PSR does not replace church, and your family should be attending mass together at one of the other mass times.

Mass Schedule

Saturday 5:00PM
Sunday: 8:00Am, 11:30AM and 7:00PM

Also if you didn't notice I've changed the website address in regards to PSR information. I hope to have the link from the Parish website bring you directly to it, but in the meantime visit: This link is up and running from the blog. This blog will be a way for you to actually see what is going on in the program; however it doesn't have the capability to put documents such as the handbook and other important information about the program. I am always looking at ways to improve the program and with today's day and age pretty much everyone is going on line to what is going on.

We are so blessed to be part of your child's faith formation and know that we are here to support you. Please make sure that you keep up with your child's class and ask them what they learned today. It's not just class, we are building roots here. If the roots are strong then we may grow in faith. So with that said PSR classes are not enough! The faith needs to be reinforced with our actions. Being involved in the church, the community, and making sure that we put God first above all things is how we build those strong roots within our families and church. As parents we have a responsibility to be an example not only in what we say, but what we do. Our pray life is what forms us, and we want our children to know that no matter what God will always be there for us.

So thank you for chosing us to support you in your child's faith formation. Please pray for our catechists, the students, families, and for me as we work together to be "Rooted in Christ!".

Disciple of Christ,
Steven M. Fischer

There will be a women's weekend on September 17th and 18th here at the parish. This is a way to renew your relationship with Christ - to build those roots. If you would like more information you can talk to any of the Catechist's. All of the women have been on the retreat and Linda Goetz, Amy Racke, and Kari Fischer will giving this upcoming weekend. There are also brochures in the back of church! So pray about it and listen to God's call - I know he wants you there!