1st Grade- Ceil Gubser


August 16, 2015

Grade 1 Blest Are We Faith & Word Edition Parish helps students learn, love and live their faith. Engaging Special Features help build Catholic identity. Student Books include five units, each with four chapters. 

Chapters are structured around the four pillars of the Catechism: Catholic faith, worship, life, and prayer. 
Each begins with a Take-Home page to involve parents in helping their children prepare for the chapter. Lessons follow a three-step learning process inviting the children to Share, to Hear and Believe, and to Respond. Each chapter includes Scripture and church teaching including statements of faith and Faith Words. Children respond through written work, activities and prayer. Chapters conclude with review exercises. Faith in Action pages highlight parish ministries and vocations. A write-in glossary and a mini-catechism are included at the back of each book.

Visit http://www.blestarewe.com/ for additional information and resources. 


January 22, 2012

Our first grader's have been working really hard on their prayers.  In the first grade they learn the Our Father, Hail Mary, and the Glory Be.  The picture above is the Our Father which the recite with movement.  At home I encourage you to allow your children to start prayer.  Our youngest is two and from hearing his older siblings pray he is picking up and starting to start prayers now including our diner prayer.  Remember it all starts at home and must be reinforced at home.  Thank you for all you do to raise your children in the faith.

October 23,, 2011
Dear Parents/Guardian,

October 23, 2011
"Catholics want Christ's mercy to reach through his Church to the farthest corners of the world. The Church still responds as Isaiah did in another time; 'Then heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? Who  will go for us?" 'Here I am,' I said, 'send me!'" (Is. 6:8)

These words of the U.S. Catholic Bishops in Teaching the Spirit of Mission As Gentes: Continuing Pentecost Today remind us that God continues to call us to proclaim the Good News and build the kingdom on earth.

In response to God's call and the Bishops' challenge, we have introduced a new Mission Education Program, Journey With Jesus, into our religious education classes.  Through this program we hope to:
  • Give children a deeper understanding of their baptismal call to mission 
  • Develop global awareness and a sense of the interconnectedness of all creation
  • Encourage them to reflect and become active participants in creating God's kingdom on earth.
We invite you to walk with your child and together find new ways to spread God's message of peace and justice for all.

Families Around the World
  • To understand that all children are part of God's family
  • To see how missionaries work with God's family around the world 
It is a privilege to share with you the Christian education of your child.

Ceil Gubser
1st Grade Catechist for PSR