Sunday, March 27, 2011

April Schedule

April 3     Class, 4th Week of Lent

April 10   Class, 5th Week of Lent

April 12   First Communion Meeting
                7:00 p.m. Church

April 17   Class, Stations of the Cross (All PSR Family members are invited)

April 24  
No Class – Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Second Week of Lent

Family Prayer

Scripture readings: Genesis 12, 1-4; Psalm 33, 4-5, 18-19, 20, 22; 2Timothy 1, 8-10; Matthew 17, 1-9

This week we are focusing in on prayer again.  We encourage you to take time to pray alone this week and maybe make an effort to get up a little early or turn off the T.V. to find some time.

Prayer and time spent with God is when we hear God speak to us. if we are always asking for this or telling God things, God doesn't get a chance to answer us or tell us things we need to know.

Prayer is a discipline too.  Often times we don't feel like praying or we are tired or hungry.  but if we make prayer a part of our routing, we get into the habit and it has the potential to change us and make us grow into better people.

Please pray this prayer as a family this week and for your quiet time prayer alone.

Dear Jesus,

I welcome you into my home and into my heart.  Please make me into the person you want me to be.  You are my God and my savior.  May your love and forgiveness fill me with joy and peace.  I pray for my friends and family and ask you to be the center of all of our lives.  I pray this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

First Week of Lent

During Lent, Catholic Christians around the world focus on three very important things: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.  We try to do these three things during Lent because they make us more aware of our faith, more thoughtful of others around us and they certainly have the power to make a big difference in the world.

For this week, Prayer will be our important activity.
There are many ways to pray; like in church with the parish community at luturgy, at home, in nature, when we are thankful, when we are in need, and as part of our daily routine.

This week, our parish families will be praying this prayer.  Please use this as a your table prayer,  it can be used whenever two or more are gathered around the table.  Blessings on your family this first week of Lent!

Dear Jesus, we pray for each of us gathered.  Help us to make this Lent a time to make a difference around us.  teach us to be more thoughtful, loving, patient and kind,  Help us to be the first to forgive and say I'm sorry.  help us find more time in our busy lives for prayer and quiet time.  Bless our family and make us grow strong in our love for each other, our church and our world.  Bless us in our work and play this week.  We pray in the words Jesus gave us, Our Father, who are in heaven, hallowed be Thy name,  Thy kingdom come,Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses aw we forgive those who trespass against us.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  Amen.

We Prepare for Lent

Lent offers us and our children an opportunity to renew our baptismal promise to follow Jesus.  We can look at our lives to determine if we are following Jesus faithfully or if we have developed habits that take us away from our Christian commitment. Grades 6th, 7th, and 8th participated in a service today that focused on renewing their baptismal promises in order to follow Jesus more closely.  Afterwards the had an examination of conscience as they prepared to receive the sacrament of reconciliation.

Fr. Josh shared a story about him and his buddy they were on a farm and were four-wheeling.  The path that they typically rode on had some rather large sticks in the way.  Which of course can be dangerous and not something that you would want to attempt to ride over.  So they cleared what was in the path to make a straight way for them.  Just like we need to do in our daily lives.  There are things that are in the way and reconciliation allows us to push those aside and make our path to Christ straight.

George, our 8th grade catechist, picked up a bible because he was reminded of scripture as Fr. Josh talked to the children and he went to Mark 1:3 "Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths."  This is when John proclaimed the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sin.  Take time this Lenten season to prepare yourself for the Lord.  Jesus has called us to come and follow him.  Help us remember during this coming season of Lent that you are with us always!

March Schedule

March 6th       Class

March 13th     Class, Reconcilation for grade 6th- 8th
                       1st Week of Lent

March 20th    Class, Reconciliation for grades 2nd-5th
                      2nd Week of Lent

March 27th    No Class - Spring Break (CCS Spring Break March 28-April1) 
                      3rd Week of Lent