Monday, May 19, 2014

Are you being called to be on the Board of Catholic Education?

Dear Parent(s), Guardian(s) and Catechists:

Our Board of Education is in need of nominees to fulfill some openings this coming year. Even though we are blessed to have a School in our Parish, the Board of Catholic Education encompasses the faith beyond the school. We have Adult Faith Formation, PSR, Youth Ministry this fall, etc...

As you can imagine with a parish this large we have many opportunities to get involved. We would like to have representation from our Parish School of Religion at these meetings. Below is some information that is located on our web about the board. If interested please let me know ASAP so that I may provide your information to the appropriate party. It is a commitment, and they meet once a month. Depending on projects or committees it may involve more time as well. It is very rewarding and you can really see behind the scenes how much effort goes into play to keep the faith alive during all stages in our Catholic life.

Board of Cathlic Education Mission Statement

The purpose of the Education Committee is to promote, recommend, and evaluate parish-related education programs, particularly religious education programs, for all members of the parish including the parish school.
Membership Information

Membership – The total membership of the Education Committee shall be a minimum of 13 members and shall include:

The pastor and/or the associate pastor
The school principal
The Director of Religious Education (DRE) at the parish
A teacher representative
9 lay members elected by the parishioners

A President, Vice President, Secretary shall constitute the officers of the Education Committee. The President of the Education Committee must attend Parish Council meetings. The term of office for the elected lay members of the Education Committee shall be three years, with one-third of the members being elected each year. Terms shall begin on the first of June of the first year and expire on the thirty-first of May of the third year. Officers shall be elected yearly.

Have a wonderful Summer Break!

I want to once again thank the parent(s) and guardian(s) that have allowed us to partner with you to teach the faith to our youth. It's hard to believe that the school year has ended. This year has been a success. We introduced Saint's Alive, started a foundation for our youth ministry program, revamped our confirmation prep, had multiple service projects including Operation Rice Bowl and we couldn't have done this without your support.

We have some amazing catechist's that teach the faith and I want to especially thank Amy Racke for her years of service in the program. As many of you know, Amy will not be returning next year as she focuses on her family. She will be deeply missed and we will continue to pray for her and her family. Thank you AMY, you are an amazing catechist and our program has been blessed to have you over the years.

I want to once again recognize those families that made sacrifices to ensure their child was here each Sunday.

Those that had GOOD ATTENDANCE for the year missing 3 or less are:

1st Grade - Gabrielle, Emily, and Harrison
2nd Grade - Chance, Lillian, Kaylee, Kaleb, Ella
3rd Grade - Brianna and Brandon
4th grade - Logan and Joey
5th Grade - Sophia, Corey,and Nathaniel
6th Grade - Anna Vaught
7th Grade - Brandon and Shelby
8th Grade - Nick and Clarissa

1st Grade - Zack
5th Grade - Wyatt and Grace
7th Grade - Natalie

At this time it looks like we may have filled both the 3rd Grade and 6th Grade Catechist needs for next year. Again, my goal is to have a catechist and aide in each grade, especially the younger grades. If you are interested please let me know. All volunteers must be virtus trained and those that are going to teach the faith must work towards their certification as well. It is an amazing calling that I have been blessed with going on 15 years.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Our Closing will be held this Sunday, May 18th.

We will start our celebration at the 9:30 AM Mass. We will have the children sit with their class in the front row on Joseph's side like we have done earlier this year. (PEWS will be reserved)

Then after mass we will meet in Memorial Hall for the certificates and awards for Perfect and Good Attendance.

We will provide the drinks and paper products.

We ask that each family bring fruit, donuts, etc.... to share.

Thank you again for all your support and partnership in bringing the faith to our youth.

Monday, May 12, 2014

May Crowning - May 12th 7PM Church

May Crowning will be celebrated on Monday, May 12 at 7:00 pm and will begin in church. Weather permitting we will process to the grotto. Please join us for this beautiful devotion to Mary.

First Communicants wear their First Communion clothes. We ask that students be here at 6:50 in the pew with a potted plant. All grade levels are encouraged to attend and sit in the pew that is labeled with their grade. This will be for PSR and the school.

First Communicants will walk first in the procession. Some of the 8th graders from the school will crown Mary and have speaking parts.