Thursday, January 21, 2016

Session Three: The Bible - God's Love Letter to Humanity

This Sunday, January 24th, we will have our third session of Symbolon 'Formed' Meeting during PSR (9:40AM - 11AM) in the Library.

Session 3: The Bible

Is the Bible more than just a collection of ancient writings, more than simply an important historical document to be appreciated but ultimately dismissed? Is it possible that God reveals His truth to us through "Sacred Scripture"? If so, what does that really mean for our faith? 
Thank you for your continued support not only in this program, but in the faith of your children.  Your example of what it means to be a Catholic and how we live our faith in our daily lives is more powerful than anything that can be taught through a text book.
We hope to see you there, Coffee and muffins will be provided and we will meet in the Library.  Please email, so that we have an accurate count for supplies and food.