Friday, July 29, 2011

"Rooted in Christ, We Grow in Faith!" 2011-2012 School Year

Dear PSR parents/guardians,

Welcome to a new school year for our Parish School of Religion.  We are so blessed to have such a wonderful parish and catechists that not only teach the faith but live the faith. 

It is the mission of St. Joseph Parish School of Religion to inspire students;
           To embrace the Gospel message of Jesus Christ
           To be and to do their best
           To be lifelong learners
           To live their Catholic faith

We seek to fulfill this mission by being rooted in Christ, who leads us to oneness with God. In order for this program to serve its mission, it is essential that the administration, catechists and parents all partner together for the sake of the children and their families.

Our theme this year is “Rooted in Christ, We Grow in Faith.”  Over the summer Pope Benedict XVI addressed the Croation Youth and I quote;
Dear young people: if you are rooted in Christ, you will fully become the person you are meant to be. I began with an incisive expression of Saint Paul: "Rooted and built up in Christ, and established in the faith" (Col 2:7). As you grow in friendship with the Lord through his word, the Eucharist and life in the Church, you will be able, with the help of your priests, to testify to the complete joy of having encountered the One who always stands at your side and enables you to live in confidence and hope. The Lord Jesus is not a Teacher who deceives his disciples: he tells us clearly that walking by his side calls for commitment and personal sacrifice, but it is worth the effort!
So as we are rooted in Christ and grow in our Catholic faith as parent(s)/guardian(s) you are reminded that you are the primary educators of your child(ren) and that your home is the first church. On the day of your child's Baptism, you accepted the role of being your child's first teacher, a very difficult job in itself.  But please remember you are not alone.  You are being supported by the priests, catechists, and the entire parish community.

"As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving."
Colossians 2; 6-7

Our PSR Program offers instructions to students in grades 1- 8 who are members of St. Joseph Parish.  We offer an eight-year course of study in which all Catholic children attending public and non-catholic private schools are expected to participate.  Our program offers the opportunity for students to prepare for the reception of the three sacraments, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.  Our aim is to provide a loving and caring Christian atmosphere in which students can grow in sound Christ like attitudes and values.

We hope this blog will help you understand more about our program, and give you some insight into the wonderful experiences your children will have when they come to class on Sunday mornings.

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us at