Sunday, March 25, 2018

Lenten Service Project

Thank you for bringing in your homemade baked goods this Sunday!

The 6th grade PSR invited all PSR families to participate in a Lenten project to benefit The Parish Kitchen.  We collected homemade baked goods AT THE BEGINNING of class this Sunday, March 25 to be delivered to The Parish Kitchen in Covington. 

The Parish Kitchen serves a free, delicious, and nutritious lunch to 100-200 persons in need every day of the year.    Like all of us, the clients of The Parish Kitchen look forward to ending their meal with a little dessert, and homemade desserts are greatly appreciated.  Many of the clients have no families, and receiving a homemade dessert lets them know that someone cares – they are not forgotten!

We thank you for making this a family project so that our students know what it means to serve others.

I would also like to thank the 6th graders and their Catechist, Carol Enzweiler, for leading this project.